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Why your skin needs 8 hours of beauty sleep too

Beautiful skin doesn't happen over night-- ...or does it? Studies suggest that the more sleep a woman gets, the brighter, and overall healthier her skin becomes. This is because our skin repairs itself every single during our sleep. Sleep is the bodies time to recharge and kind of shed all of its unwanted layers aka dead skin and hair. A direct link between glowing healthy skin and getting enough sleep has been observed by various professionals. Dr. Moon at the Mediclinic aesthetic centre said "the average adult is meant to have 8 hours of sleep per day in order to sustain overall body health so imagine what not sleeping enough does to your skin, which is a giant organ."

I wish someone had told me that sleeping was the key to beautiful skin 10 years ago. Good thing it's a completely free, and manageable method of skincare that literally anyone can do. As most modern day human beings today, squeezing in an extra hour or two of sleep per night can be challenging especially when our mind are on the go 24/7. In order to aid with sleep and relaxation, try lighting spa candles before bed to set the atmosphere to chill out mode, invest in a cozy bed set, and set the AC at the perfect temperature and doze off! Because beautiful skin is just 8 hours away.

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